Friday, September 18, 2009
Windows Movie Maker
I thought that even though I had finished the assessment, I had better keep updating this Blog with my new experiences with technology. On my latest prac visit in a school, I had the experience of using Windows movie maker to make animations. The students had taken pictures and used the pictures to create an animation advertisement clip. The end affect looked great. I found this program great to use, however it was very slow on the computer we were using to edit the program. I found that the program was very similar to power point in some ways because you could add different features and customize each picture. I found this program easy to navigate my way around and so did the students. They were excited to see their still pictures being turned into a short clip. They were proud of what they created and we able to share their work with others.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Well, what a learning journey I have had completing this, my first professional blog! My brain feels like it is overflowing with so much more information and knowledge about so many different technologies that I had never considered looking at in depth before or even heard of. So what exactly have I learnt over the past few months?
In the 21st Century, technology is a large part of society and our lives. Because technology is so relevant now, there is no argument as to why it is being emphasised more and more through curriculum documents and in education as whole. In the Queensland Technology Essential Learnings it describes how students should learn to see that technology has a place in peoples work and community. It also identifies the importance for students to explore the use of technology practices. As teachers it is our responsibility to help students to learn to use tools, technology and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to inquire, create and communicate, while also being able to “reflect on learning and consider the uses and impacts of technology in familiar everyday situations.” (Queensland Studies Authority, 2007b, p. 1) “Students live in a technological world where information and communication technologies (ICTs) are integral to everyday situations.” (Queensland Studies Authority, 2007a, p. 1)
This course provided me with a starting point and gave me the opportunity to actually look into and discover many familiar and new technologies. It also made me critically think about how, in my teaching practice, I could utilise these technologies to engage and help all different students, of differing learning styles and abilities to achieve learning outcomes, develop higher order thinking skills and creativity. “Applying ICTs as a tool for learning assists students to become competent, discriminating, creative and productive users of ICTs. ICTs can be integrated in a variety of ways within and across all key learning areas to support thinking, learning, collaboration and communication.” (Queensland Studies Authority, 2007a, p. 1) My somewhat ‘closed mind’ that I had when starting this course, slowly began to be opened and amazed at all the technologies that were available to me. I began to see and realise that so many different technologies would be so great and beneficial to use in the classroom because they provided for real life experiences that students can relate to and help them become life long learners.
So what technologies would I use and how would I use them to enhance student learning and make my teaching more efficient? From all the technologies that I got to experience and practice using, I do have a few favourites that I can see myself using in the classroom to make my teaching more efficient and to enhance my students’ engagement, participation and learning. My specific favourites and ones that I could see myself using in my classrooms are Voki avatars, Flickr and Wikis.
The Voki Avatars, I think are fantastic. They are fun to use and the opportunities are endless as to what characters can be created. In my classroom I would use these as a ‘co-teacher.’ Instead of me (the normal human teacher) giving tasks to students, I would create an avatar that would ‘work alongside me’ to give information and instructions to students. I could see this engaging students better and it would make them want to investigate and complete different tasks because it would be new and interesting for them.
I also loved the capabilities of Flickr. Because Flickr is an online photo management and sharing tool, this would prove to be of great use to recording educational experiences in the classroom. Students like to see what they have done and taking pictures is a way to capture their learning experiences at all different stages. Flickr would work great by having albums of different activities/units students complete. Students would have the capabilities to take pictures, upload them onto the account and then have the opportunity to also be able to add comments and descriptions of what is happening in the pictures and the purpose of them. Ultimately they are sharing their learning journey and knowledge with the class and others.
One more that I can see enhancing student learning and make my teaching more efficient is the use of Wikis. There are many ways that Wikis could be used. As a class, students could create a page to display their understandings and learning throughout a unit of work, utilising a concept similar to a KWL and add different information and questions at different stages of the unit of work. Individually, wikis could provide students with an alternative way to complete assessments such as a report. Instead of presenting their report on a poster for example, students could generate a wiki to display their project. They would be able access it at school and at home to work on it. Through wikis students will have the opportunities to add different fonts, colours, pictures, etc, to ensure that the task is more open ended and appealing.
Throughout using different ICTs in the classroom, the opportunities are endless!!! We just need to get out thinking hats on and design learning experiences that will interest our students and expose them to many different technologies that are readily available to us and our students.
By communicating and collaborating with my peers through the moodle discussion forums and our professional blogs, provided me with the opportunity to professionally collaborate my ideas and opinions, along with concerns and confusions I had. Through expressing them (in the forums and blogs), I learn that a lot of my technical difficulties, questions, fears and worries were very similar to others in the course as well. When peers commented on my professional blog entries, it was great to read their opinions of what I had done, while also providing me with extra points to consider that I would not have thought of if I had not shared my insights and learning with others. By following other peoples blogs that were doing the same course and tasks I was able to see so many different opinions and experiences that people had while learning to work and explore the many different technologies that were unfamiliar to us. It was also a great tool to inform each other of great information/sites/programs that could assist us with our understandings and learning journey.
I have learnt, and now believe that e-learning (technology supported education) enables us to take what is considered ‘normal everyday’ learning experiences and turn them into engaging, fun, interactive and hands on learning that benefits all styles of learners. Technology has a very important place in education! To be efficient and resourceful teachers, we need to be constantly practicing and experimenting with unfamiliar technologies along with applying our knowledge, experiences and different pedagogical strategies in our learning experiences. We need to embrace technology, just as I am finally learning to do myself!
Queensland Studies Authority. (2007a). Information and Communication (ICTs) Cross Curriculum Priority by the end of Grade 3. Retrieved on August 16, 2009, from
Queensland Studies Authority. (2007b). Technology Essential Learnings by the end of Grade 3. Retrieved on August 16, 2009, from
In the 21st Century, technology is a large part of society and our lives. Because technology is so relevant now, there is no argument as to why it is being emphasised more and more through curriculum documents and in education as whole. In the Queensland Technology Essential Learnings it describes how students should learn to see that technology has a place in peoples work and community. It also identifies the importance for students to explore the use of technology practices. As teachers it is our responsibility to help students to learn to use tools, technology and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to inquire, create and communicate, while also being able to “reflect on learning and consider the uses and impacts of technology in familiar everyday situations.” (Queensland Studies Authority, 2007b, p. 1) “Students live in a technological world where information and communication technologies (ICTs) are integral to everyday situations.” (Queensland Studies Authority, 2007a, p. 1)
This course provided me with a starting point and gave me the opportunity to actually look into and discover many familiar and new technologies. It also made me critically think about how, in my teaching practice, I could utilise these technologies to engage and help all different students, of differing learning styles and abilities to achieve learning outcomes, develop higher order thinking skills and creativity. “Applying ICTs as a tool for learning assists students to become competent, discriminating, creative and productive users of ICTs. ICTs can be integrated in a variety of ways within and across all key learning areas to support thinking, learning, collaboration and communication.” (Queensland Studies Authority, 2007a, p. 1) My somewhat ‘closed mind’ that I had when starting this course, slowly began to be opened and amazed at all the technologies that were available to me. I began to see and realise that so many different technologies would be so great and beneficial to use in the classroom because they provided for real life experiences that students can relate to and help them become life long learners.
So what technologies would I use and how would I use them to enhance student learning and make my teaching more efficient? From all the technologies that I got to experience and practice using, I do have a few favourites that I can see myself using in the classroom to make my teaching more efficient and to enhance my students’ engagement, participation and learning. My specific favourites and ones that I could see myself using in my classrooms are Voki avatars, Flickr and Wikis.
The Voki Avatars, I think are fantastic. They are fun to use and the opportunities are endless as to what characters can be created. In my classroom I would use these as a ‘co-teacher.’ Instead of me (the normal human teacher) giving tasks to students, I would create an avatar that would ‘work alongside me’ to give information and instructions to students. I could see this engaging students better and it would make them want to investigate and complete different tasks because it would be new and interesting for them.
I also loved the capabilities of Flickr. Because Flickr is an online photo management and sharing tool, this would prove to be of great use to recording educational experiences in the classroom. Students like to see what they have done and taking pictures is a way to capture their learning experiences at all different stages. Flickr would work great by having albums of different activities/units students complete. Students would have the capabilities to take pictures, upload them onto the account and then have the opportunity to also be able to add comments and descriptions of what is happening in the pictures and the purpose of them. Ultimately they are sharing their learning journey and knowledge with the class and others.
One more that I can see enhancing student learning and make my teaching more efficient is the use of Wikis. There are many ways that Wikis could be used. As a class, students could create a page to display their understandings and learning throughout a unit of work, utilising a concept similar to a KWL and add different information and questions at different stages of the unit of work. Individually, wikis could provide students with an alternative way to complete assessments such as a report. Instead of presenting their report on a poster for example, students could generate a wiki to display their project. They would be able access it at school and at home to work on it. Through wikis students will have the opportunities to add different fonts, colours, pictures, etc, to ensure that the task is more open ended and appealing.
Throughout using different ICTs in the classroom, the opportunities are endless!!! We just need to get out thinking hats on and design learning experiences that will interest our students and expose them to many different technologies that are readily available to us and our students.
By communicating and collaborating with my peers through the moodle discussion forums and our professional blogs, provided me with the opportunity to professionally collaborate my ideas and opinions, along with concerns and confusions I had. Through expressing them (in the forums and blogs), I learn that a lot of my technical difficulties, questions, fears and worries were very similar to others in the course as well. When peers commented on my professional blog entries, it was great to read their opinions of what I had done, while also providing me with extra points to consider that I would not have thought of if I had not shared my insights and learning with others. By following other peoples blogs that were doing the same course and tasks I was able to see so many different opinions and experiences that people had while learning to work and explore the many different technologies that were unfamiliar to us. It was also a great tool to inform each other of great information/sites/programs that could assist us with our understandings and learning journey.
I have learnt, and now believe that e-learning (technology supported education) enables us to take what is considered ‘normal everyday’ learning experiences and turn them into engaging, fun, interactive and hands on learning that benefits all styles of learners. Technology has a very important place in education! To be efficient and resourceful teachers, we need to be constantly practicing and experimenting with unfamiliar technologies along with applying our knowledge, experiences and different pedagogical strategies in our learning experiences. We need to embrace technology, just as I am finally learning to do myself!
Queensland Studies Authority. (2007a). Information and Communication (ICTs) Cross Curriculum Priority by the end of Grade 3. Retrieved on August 16, 2009, from
Queensland Studies Authority. (2007b). Technology Essential Learnings by the end of Grade 3. Retrieved on August 16, 2009, from
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Everything old is new again for internet-weary young adults
I came across this article on a news website. I found it interesting to read and I was wondering if anyone had any specific thoughts or opinions about it. If you do, feel free to comment! Thanks heaps!,28348,25779367-5014239,00.html
REFERENCE (2009). Everything old is new again for internet-weary young adults. Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from,28348,25779367-5014239,00.html,28348,25779367-5014239,00.html
REFERENCE (2009). Everything old is new again for internet-weary young adults. Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from,28348,25779367-5014239,00.html
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Integrating Technology, Higher-Order Thinking, and Student-Centered Learning
I came across on SlideShare a great presentation titled: Integrating Technology, Higher Order Thinking and Student Centered Learning. Through studying this course for the past 7 weeks, it has amazed me how technology helps us to engage, interest, facilitate and help our students develop higher order thinking and creative thinking skills. This sideshow has great definitions, images, diagrams, links and, questions and activities! Feel free to take a look.
Adams, D. (2009). SlideShare - Integrating Technology, Higher-Order Thinking and Student Centered Learning. Retrieved on August 16, 2009, from
Integrating Technology, Higher-Order Thinking, and Student-Centered Learning
REFERENCEView more presentations from Doug Adams.
Adams, D. (2009). SlideShare - Integrating Technology, Higher-Order Thinking and Student Centered Learning. Retrieved on August 16, 2009, from
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Digital Storytelling
“Digital Storytelling is a fantastic way to engage students. There are many different definitions of "digital storytelling," but in general, all of them revolve around the idea of combining the longstanding art of telling stories with any of a variety of available multimedia tools, including graphics, audio, video animation, and Web publishing.” (Country Areas Program, n.d.).
In YouTube, I came across a great clip called 'Digital storytelling in plain English', that explained what it really was, and its relevance and usefulness in education.
On the Digital Storytelling web page by the Lubbock Independent School District, I found one of the tables of information quite interesting and very relevant to students learning. Digital storytelling isn't just a fun activity that students completed where they require few skills to produce, but instead, it requires a variety of writing, speaking, visual, technical and personal developmental skills. It made me questions, if this is such a great learning tool to use in the classroom that benefits students, then why hadn't I heard of it before or seen it being used in classrooms?
So why is Digital Storytelling beneficial to students and how does it fit with learning theories? A document on the Tech4Learning website, titles 'Digital Storytelling in the classroom, directly states that: "Digital Storytelling can be very powerful for many students addressing various types of learning styles and modalities. Digital Storytelling provides meaning to learning through the use of their auditory, visual and kinesthetic skills. Students are also required to use higher order thinking skills in their creativity of their stories. However, much of the power of Digital Storytelling comes from the collaboration and teamwork process. In a collaborative environment, students are actively engaged in the exchange of ideas and are not only responsible for reaching their own academic goals, but the goals of others in the group. This provides opportunity for students to think critically, which promotes life long learning. Digital storytelling is an effective way to engage students in their learning. First of all, it asks for their perspective and validates it as important. Secondly, they get to work in a medium that is relevant and meaningful to their lives (computers). The ability to tell their story in a variety of ways - through sounds, music, graphics, photographs, and original artwork allows them to express their creativity in ways other than just text. The skills used in creating digital stories requires them to build planning, organizational, and time management skills." (Tech4Learning, 2007).
Country Areas Program. (n.d.). What is digital storytelling? Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from
Lubbock Independent School District. (2009). Digital Storytelling. Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from
Sublimities. (2009). Digital Storytelling in Plain English. Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from
Tech4Learning. (2007). Digital Storytelling in the classroom. Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from
In YouTube, I came across a great clip called 'Digital storytelling in plain English', that explained what it really was, and its relevance and usefulness in education.
On the Digital Storytelling web page by the Lubbock Independent School District, I found one of the tables of information quite interesting and very relevant to students learning. Digital storytelling isn't just a fun activity that students completed where they require few skills to produce, but instead, it requires a variety of writing, speaking, visual, technical and personal developmental skills. It made me questions, if this is such a great learning tool to use in the classroom that benefits students, then why hadn't I heard of it before or seen it being used in classrooms?

(Lubbock Independent School District, 2009).
So why is Digital Storytelling beneficial to students and how does it fit with learning theories? A document on the Tech4Learning website, titles 'Digital Storytelling in the classroom, directly states that: "Digital Storytelling can be very powerful for many students addressing various types of learning styles and modalities. Digital Storytelling provides meaning to learning through the use of their auditory, visual and kinesthetic skills. Students are also required to use higher order thinking skills in their creativity of their stories. However, much of the power of Digital Storytelling comes from the collaboration and teamwork process. In a collaborative environment, students are actively engaged in the exchange of ideas and are not only responsible for reaching their own academic goals, but the goals of others in the group. This provides opportunity for students to think critically, which promotes life long learning. Digital storytelling is an effective way to engage students in their learning. First of all, it asks for their perspective and validates it as important. Secondly, they get to work in a medium that is relevant and meaningful to their lives (computers). The ability to tell their story in a variety of ways - through sounds, music, graphics, photographs, and original artwork allows them to express their creativity in ways other than just text. The skills used in creating digital stories requires them to build planning, organizational, and time management skills." (Tech4Learning, 2007).
Country Areas Program. (n.d.). What is digital storytelling? Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from
Lubbock Independent School District. (2009). Digital Storytelling. Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from
Tech4Learning. (2007). Digital Storytelling in the classroom. Retrieved on August 15, 2009, from
PowerPoint Quizzes
I have seen PowerPoint quizzes used before, however I have never attempted to make one myself. A PowerPoint quiz that I remember seeing and liking was a few years ago on a school holidays activity for children where I was volunteering at. One of the activities that the children experienced was a modified version of ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’ that had been created using PowerPoint. All the children loved it as the questions had been created to target their knowledge and understandings; it engaged them and in was interactive! They especially loved that the music of the 'Who wants to be a millionaire' TV show was played at certain stages of the clip, including the drum roll when waiting for the correct answer on the next slide. It made them feel like they were actually sitting on the real millionaire hot seat and they were excited because they had a chance of winning different prizes for reaching different levels of the quiz. The Quiz gave them a fun reason to want to take the questions serious and show that they had the knowledge to answer them correctly. This idea I would love to implement in a classroom one day to make learning fun and appealing for my own students.
When making a PowerPoint myself, I found it a bit confusing and fiddly even with an instruction page open in another browser to refer to. I soon got frustrated after spending some time working on it and needed to take a break and then come back to finish it. I found that the more time i practiced with it and fiddled around iwth different ideas, I began to get faster at making changes and creating a flowing, professional looking and appealing PowerPoint Quiz. If i was to choose to use ClassMarker or PowerPoint to create quizzes I would most likely choose to use ClassMarker because of its ease and because it takes a shorter amount of time to create.
Even though I would choose to use ClassMarker over PowerPoint, I do believe that ClassMarker, compared to Powerpoint Quiz is visually less appealing. With the PowerPoint program, the opportunities to create interesting, interactive and visually appealing slides (to suit the content of the quiz) would in turn make the quiz more appealing to students who need to take the quiz. It also gives them the opportunity to navigate their way through the PowerPoint Quiz depending on how it was created by the teacher. There are fewer limitations when designing PowerPoint Quizzes compared to ClassMarker.
When searching the internet for information about PowerPoint quizzes, I came across some sites that have PowerPoint quiz templates available to download. This, I thought would be a great tool for teachers to look into using if they are having trouble creating PowerPoint quizzes from scratch, however still want to use PowerPoint instead of other programs.
I can see PowerPoint Quizzes being used in the teaching of specific units of work and therefore they could be used for students to practice their knowledge (formative assessment) where students are able to be given feedback and practice their skills without being graded as such. ClassMarker, on the other hand could be used as a summative assessment tool at the end of a unit of work and provide teachers with a clear understanding of what students know and ultimately what they don’t know (more of a formal test/quiz, showing clear results and answers students chose). Oliver’s ICT model shows that in the learning process, quizzes are a tool to use for student learning tasks and can be used as a form of assessment along with tutorials, simulations, worksheets, databases and models. (Oliver, 1999, in AUTC, 2003). Not only can teachers create PowerPoint Quizzes for the purpose of their class, students can also learn how to create them to test each other and engage each other for specific educational units of work and topics.
AUTC. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from
When making a PowerPoint myself, I found it a bit confusing and fiddly even with an instruction page open in another browser to refer to. I soon got frustrated after spending some time working on it and needed to take a break and then come back to finish it. I found that the more time i practiced with it and fiddled around iwth different ideas, I began to get faster at making changes and creating a flowing, professional looking and appealing PowerPoint Quiz. If i was to choose to use ClassMarker or PowerPoint to create quizzes I would most likely choose to use ClassMarker because of its ease and because it takes a shorter amount of time to create.
Even though I would choose to use ClassMarker over PowerPoint, I do believe that ClassMarker, compared to Powerpoint Quiz is visually less appealing. With the PowerPoint program, the opportunities to create interesting, interactive and visually appealing slides (to suit the content of the quiz) would in turn make the quiz more appealing to students who need to take the quiz. It also gives them the opportunity to navigate their way through the PowerPoint Quiz depending on how it was created by the teacher. There are fewer limitations when designing PowerPoint Quizzes compared to ClassMarker.
When searching the internet for information about PowerPoint quizzes, I came across some sites that have PowerPoint quiz templates available to download. This, I thought would be a great tool for teachers to look into using if they are having trouble creating PowerPoint quizzes from scratch, however still want to use PowerPoint instead of other programs.
I can see PowerPoint Quizzes being used in the teaching of specific units of work and therefore they could be used for students to practice their knowledge (formative assessment) where students are able to be given feedback and practice their skills without being graded as such. ClassMarker, on the other hand could be used as a summative assessment tool at the end of a unit of work and provide teachers with a clear understanding of what students know and ultimately what they don’t know (more of a formal test/quiz, showing clear results and answers students chose). Oliver’s ICT model shows that in the learning process, quizzes are a tool to use for student learning tasks and can be used as a form of assessment along with tutorials, simulations, worksheets, databases and models. (Oliver, 1999, in AUTC, 2003). Not only can teachers create PowerPoint Quizzes for the purpose of their class, students can also learn how to create them to test each other and engage each other for specific educational units of work and topics.
AUTC. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from
Voice Thread
After looking at the video under Voice Thread on Moodle, all I can say is that I was overwhelmed. At first, I could not get my head around how so many different features Voice Thread actually incorporates into it. Then it hit me, how would I make something like that??? “Voice Thread is an online media album that can hold essentially any type of media (images, documents and videos) and allows people to make comments in 5 different ways - using voice (with a microphone or telephone), text, audio file, or video (with a webcam) - and share them with anyone they wish. A Voice Thread allows group conversations to be collected and shared in one place, from anywhere in the world.” (Cassinelli, 2009).
I decided to take a look around the site before attempting to create my own voice thread to give me some more ideas about what others have created. I came across a page on the site that listed the benefits of using voice threads in relations to education. It stated: “Voice Thread notes that: Students learn to use technology. Students learn ways to discuss learning outside of school with family and friends. Students learn to use online applications and tools for networking. Students respond to questions and interact in new ways; and, students think critically about what they have learnt in the past.” (Voice Thread, 2009).
I noticed while browsing at different voice threads, that some were more ‘professional’ than others. Some were made for a specific purpose or to discuss or teach a specific topic, however some were not. I liked that there was a digital library to search through different topics of voice threads and was pleased to find that there was an educational section.
Instead of posting my really bad progress and attempt at a Voice Thread (like this specific blog task asked), I thought it would be more beneficial for you who are reading this and for those of you who are wondering about how Voice Thread really could be of benefit in an educational environment, by sharing a specific Voice Thread I came across. This was a Voice Thread that was designed by a teacher for the purpose of explaining a PowerPoint that she used to help her students learn how to use a blog. I thought it was great how she explained in this Voice Thread what she did through her PowerPoint presentation to help her students and explained why she did certain teaching practices for specific reasons/purposes. She also invited viewers of the Voice Thread to give suggestions and encourages us to modify what she did to suit our own classes.
I thought this clip would show a better description of how a presentation can be made, and ultimately how Voice Thread can be used in teaching specific content, compared to the one that I have practiced making.
(Baker, n.d.).
Baker, S. (n.d.). Blogging Tutorial. Retrieved on August 14, 2009, from
Cassinelli, C. (2009). Voicethread 4 Education. Retrieved on August 14, 2009, from
Voice Thread. (2009). Library of Uses. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
I decided to take a look around the site before attempting to create my own voice thread to give me some more ideas about what others have created. I came across a page on the site that listed the benefits of using voice threads in relations to education. It stated: “Voice Thread notes that: Students learn to use technology. Students learn ways to discuss learning outside of school with family and friends. Students learn to use online applications and tools for networking. Students respond to questions and interact in new ways; and, students think critically about what they have learnt in the past.” (Voice Thread, 2009).
I noticed while browsing at different voice threads, that some were more ‘professional’ than others. Some were made for a specific purpose or to discuss or teach a specific topic, however some were not. I liked that there was a digital library to search through different topics of voice threads and was pleased to find that there was an educational section.
Instead of posting my really bad progress and attempt at a Voice Thread (like this specific blog task asked), I thought it would be more beneficial for you who are reading this and for those of you who are wondering about how Voice Thread really could be of benefit in an educational environment, by sharing a specific Voice Thread I came across. This was a Voice Thread that was designed by a teacher for the purpose of explaining a PowerPoint that she used to help her students learn how to use a blog. I thought it was great how she explained in this Voice Thread what she did through her PowerPoint presentation to help her students and explained why she did certain teaching practices for specific reasons/purposes. She also invited viewers of the Voice Thread to give suggestions and encourages us to modify what she did to suit our own classes.
I thought this clip would show a better description of how a presentation can be made, and ultimately how Voice Thread can be used in teaching specific content, compared to the one that I have practiced making.
(Baker, n.d.).
Baker, S. (n.d.). Blogging Tutorial. Retrieved on August 14, 2009, from
Cassinelli, C. (2009). Voicethread 4 Education. Retrieved on August 14, 2009, from
Voice Thread. (2009). Library of Uses. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
Using Music on the Web
I could not imagine life without music! I listen to it daily, for many hours and for different purposes. Different genres and types of music, to me expresses different emotions. Music helps me to study and I find that I can concentrate better if I have music playing in the background blocking out all the other sounds around me. Music also relaxes me and makes me feel good!
I am a big kid at heart, so therefore I am one to constantly be looking for and listening to ‘kids’ music. I am a fan of Disney songs and own many Disney Soundtrack CDs and have also downloaded multiple songs that I remember from listening to throughout my childhood such as nursery rhymes. I work in a childcare centre and am hoping to work with young children after I finish my university degree. Music is something that is very relevant and used daily in early childhood settings. When putting the children to sleep we always put on a CD that has calming, soft music that relaxes the children and enables them to fall asleep. On the Raising Child Network webpage, it describes how keeping noise levels in the room where children sleep at a consistent level. Children (especially babies) find it easier to go to sleep when noise levels are constant. Playing soft, low level music can block out sudden noises that may wake or disturb the child/ren’s sleep. (Raising Children Network, 2009). We also use more upbeat children songs (such as Wiggle CDs, etc) for when children are playing. The children love to get up and play dance freeze and musical chairs. In schools, students attend weekly music lessons and there has been numerous reports relating to the benefits of music. “Music is a wonderful skill for any child, but new research shows how learning music can help your child in so many more ways: Improved reasoning capacity and problem solving skills, improve maths and language performance, better memory and greater social and team skills.” (Music Council of Australia, n.d.). The use of music in educational settings, for all aged children is important.
Using Incompetech (Incompetech, 2009) at the beginning was a bit confusing for me. Generally when I download music I use another program and therefore this specific program was very unfamiliar and different to what I am used to using on a regular basis. It was interesting however to read about the Royalty-Free Music (which I had never actually taken the time to listen to in the past), Music FAQ and Music Licences. Most of the songs that I previewed on the site I had never heard of before and it was interesting seeing the large variety of music genres to search through and even the capability to search through the music by ‘feel’. All of the songs I listened to were all instrumental and therefore there were a variety that could be used in a child care setting, especially for rest times.
In regards to using music from the web in the classroom, I would tend to steer away from downloading the music at home and taking it into the classroom because I am concerned about all the copyright laws, regulations and restrictions that I am still very unfamiliar with. However, if I wanted my students to hear a song, I could just as easily find it on YouTube and play it for them, minimising the screen so that only the sound could be heard.
Incompetech. (2009). Incompetech. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
Music Council of Australia. (n.d.). Music makes the difference. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
Raising Children Network. (2009). Light and Noise. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
I am a big kid at heart, so therefore I am one to constantly be looking for and listening to ‘kids’ music. I am a fan of Disney songs and own many Disney Soundtrack CDs and have also downloaded multiple songs that I remember from listening to throughout my childhood such as nursery rhymes. I work in a childcare centre and am hoping to work with young children after I finish my university degree. Music is something that is very relevant and used daily in early childhood settings. When putting the children to sleep we always put on a CD that has calming, soft music that relaxes the children and enables them to fall asleep. On the Raising Child Network webpage, it describes how keeping noise levels in the room where children sleep at a consistent level. Children (especially babies) find it easier to go to sleep when noise levels are constant. Playing soft, low level music can block out sudden noises that may wake or disturb the child/ren’s sleep. (Raising Children Network, 2009). We also use more upbeat children songs (such as Wiggle CDs, etc) for when children are playing. The children love to get up and play dance freeze and musical chairs. In schools, students attend weekly music lessons and there has been numerous reports relating to the benefits of music. “Music is a wonderful skill for any child, but new research shows how learning music can help your child in so many more ways: Improved reasoning capacity and problem solving skills, improve maths and language performance, better memory and greater social and team skills.” (Music Council of Australia, n.d.). The use of music in educational settings, for all aged children is important.
Using Incompetech (Incompetech, 2009) at the beginning was a bit confusing for me. Generally when I download music I use another program and therefore this specific program was very unfamiliar and different to what I am used to using on a regular basis. It was interesting however to read about the Royalty-Free Music (which I had never actually taken the time to listen to in the past), Music FAQ and Music Licences. Most of the songs that I previewed on the site I had never heard of before and it was interesting seeing the large variety of music genres to search through and even the capability to search through the music by ‘feel’. All of the songs I listened to were all instrumental and therefore there were a variety that could be used in a child care setting, especially for rest times.
In regards to using music from the web in the classroom, I would tend to steer away from downloading the music at home and taking it into the classroom because I am concerned about all the copyright laws, regulations and restrictions that I am still very unfamiliar with. However, if I wanted my students to hear a song, I could just as easily find it on YouTube and play it for them, minimising the screen so that only the sound could be heard.
Incompetech. (2009). Incompetech. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
Music Council of Australia. (n.d.). Music makes the difference. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
Raising Children Network. (2009). Light and Noise. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
File Storage (MediaFire)
“Online file storage and sharing allows for easy access to your data in away that benefits you the most.” (Pro Softnet Corporation, 2009). MediaFire (2009) is an online file storage/hosting program that is freely accessible to all people who have access to the internet. “Thanks to a growing range of services, it's now possible to keep all your personal digital information in the Internet "cloud", as they're calling it these days. Everything from documents and e-mails to photos and music can be stored -- often for free.” (Grayson, 2008). One of the benefits of MediaFire is that “you can also set certain folders to be accessible by friends, while keeping others personal.” (Grayson, 2008).
I have uploaded onto MediaFire, a document that I created as part of one of my assessments in Science Curriculum and Pedagogy. As I mentioned in my YouTube blog, the unit was based on the Water Cycle and Water as a resource. This shared file, was a handout that went with the assignment and provided information for a teacher teaching this unit that they would need to know as well as the information displayed in a more basic way for the target audience (grade 2 level). The link to this specfiic file is below.
Personally, I did not like this site to begin with. Many of the pages that I was directed to had advertisements on it and some were very sexualised. I don’t think that I would be sending my students to this site to access any sorts of uploaded files that I want them to view. I investigated how to actually get rid of the ads and it required paying and upgrading to MediaPro. However, overlooking that, I can see how this program would still be very useful. I know that I am very pedantic about backing up my important documents and files that are on my computer. This program can be used as another place to store our important documents. So even if our computer or laptop decides to die and we lose all our files on it, we would at least have the most important ones backed up and available to us online. “The benefits of storing your digital life this way are considerable. You're no longer tied to a particular computer or location, and you can access your data from any Internet-connected device.” (Grayson, 2008). By storing specific documents on MediaFire would also prove helpful being a teacher. If there are documents that you wish to use or share with students, however they are mostly stored or used on your personal computer/laptop, by also storing them on your personal MediaFire account enables you to access them at a computer at school that has internet access.
Grayon, I. (2008). How to store your files online. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
MediaFire. (2009). Free File Hosting Made Simple. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
Pro Softnet Corporation (2009). Online File Storage. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
I have uploaded onto MediaFire, a document that I created as part of one of my assessments in Science Curriculum and Pedagogy. As I mentioned in my YouTube blog, the unit was based on the Water Cycle and Water as a resource. This shared file, was a handout that went with the assignment and provided information for a teacher teaching this unit that they would need to know as well as the information displayed in a more basic way for the target audience (grade 2 level). The link to this specfiic file is below.
Personally, I did not like this site to begin with. Many of the pages that I was directed to had advertisements on it and some were very sexualised. I don’t think that I would be sending my students to this site to access any sorts of uploaded files that I want them to view. I investigated how to actually get rid of the ads and it required paying and upgrading to MediaPro. However, overlooking that, I can see how this program would still be very useful. I know that I am very pedantic about backing up my important documents and files that are on my computer. This program can be used as another place to store our important documents. So even if our computer or laptop decides to die and we lose all our files on it, we would at least have the most important ones backed up and available to us online. “The benefits of storing your digital life this way are considerable. You're no longer tied to a particular computer or location, and you can access your data from any Internet-connected device.” (Grayson, 2008). By storing specific documents on MediaFire would also prove helpful being a teacher. If there are documents that you wish to use or share with students, however they are mostly stored or used on your personal computer/laptop, by also storing them on your personal MediaFire account enables you to access them at a computer at school that has internet access.
Grayon, I. (2008). How to store your files online. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
MediaFire. (2009). Free File Hosting Made Simple. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
Pro Softnet Corporation (2009). Online File Storage. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
SlideShare was a program that I had never heard of before. I had never used it and didn’t know of its purpose or capabilities. To test out the program and see what it was exactly about, I uploaded a PowerPoint presentation to the SlideShare account I created. The PowerPoint was written to accompany a group presentation this term (term 2, 2009) for English Curriculum and Pedagogy. I was amazed to find that the PowerPoint, when uploaded onto SlideShare, turned into a clip that I could still navigate through. I thought that this was fantastic. (This clip is also embedded into this blog so you can see what I referring to.) I was also quite excited to find that I could see other peoples public presentations on a variety of educational topics that I could use in the classroom and share with my students.
I know that I sometimes have trouble, especially when working in groups, when I have to try and send a PowerPoint to my group members for them to view it before presenting it as a group. It often takes forever to load, or it just won’t let me send it because the file is too large. I thought that SlideShare could be a way to get around these problems. I would be able to publish it on my account, then navigate my group members to the clip to view and comment on any changes they want me to make, or any additions they want put in the presentation. Ultimately it could be used as a way to communicate with my group members without the face to face contact; however they are able to see exactly what I have done and provide much needed input and feedback.
I did find however some glitches with SlideShare. When the PowerPoint presentation was converted to appear as a clip on SlideShare, it changed some elements of the formatting (moved pictures and cut off words, etc). This annoyed me slightly as I had to then go back to my original PowerPoint presentation make some changes and then reload it onto SlideShare. It just proved to me once again, that sometimes technology isn’t as convenient as we would expect or like it to be. I do however think that it is still a good, simple application to convert simple PowerPoint presentations into a more ‘video clip’ format. It would be appealing to students in the classroom (and simple for them to utilise). And because mp3 files can be uploaded and linked to the SlideShare clips (which I haven’t done for my clip in this blog, but am still working out how to do properly), it could be used as an alternative way to present information to students and for students to present to the class and teacher. Instead of physically standing up in front of a group and presenting a PowerPoint clip accompanied with a ‘speech’ (which can be daunting for anybody at the best of times), by prerecording the audio and adding it to the SlideShare clip, it instead is a much less intimidating way to present information, that is in turn, more engaging, appealing and provides more opportunities for individuality and creativity.
SlideShare Inc. (2009). SlideShare Present Yourself. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
I know that I sometimes have trouble, especially when working in groups, when I have to try and send a PowerPoint to my group members for them to view it before presenting it as a group. It often takes forever to load, or it just won’t let me send it because the file is too large. I thought that SlideShare could be a way to get around these problems. I would be able to publish it on my account, then navigate my group members to the clip to view and comment on any changes they want me to make, or any additions they want put in the presentation. Ultimately it could be used as a way to communicate with my group members without the face to face contact; however they are able to see exactly what I have done and provide much needed input and feedback.
I did find however some glitches with SlideShare. When the PowerPoint presentation was converted to appear as a clip on SlideShare, it changed some elements of the formatting (moved pictures and cut off words, etc). This annoyed me slightly as I had to then go back to my original PowerPoint presentation make some changes and then reload it onto SlideShare. It just proved to me once again, that sometimes technology isn’t as convenient as we would expect or like it to be. I do however think that it is still a good, simple application to convert simple PowerPoint presentations into a more ‘video clip’ format. It would be appealing to students in the classroom (and simple for them to utilise). And because mp3 files can be uploaded and linked to the SlideShare clips (which I haven’t done for my clip in this blog, but am still working out how to do properly), it could be used as an alternative way to present information to students and for students to present to the class and teacher. Instead of physically standing up in front of a group and presenting a PowerPoint clip accompanied with a ‘speech’ (which can be daunting for anybody at the best of times), by prerecording the audio and adding it to the SlideShare clip, it instead is a much less intimidating way to present information, that is in turn, more engaging, appealing and provides more opportunities for individuality and creativity.
Visual Literacy - Picture BooksView more presentations from Jillie89.
SlideShare Inc. (2009). SlideShare Present Yourself. Retrieved on August 12, 2009, from
I love Wikipedia! Now this is a site that I refer to very frequently, probably even once or more a day. If I am unsure of what something is, or just want to find more information about things I am interested in (particularly TV shows for me), I tend to go straight to Wikipedia to find out as much information as I can (even find out what happens in a movie or who wins a series because I just cant wait). It always has the information that I need and even provides me with information I had never considered! Before learning about Wikis and their capabilities I did not know that Wikipedia actually was a wiki. (Oh the shame). Let me explain my apparent dumbness to you all… I knew that people could go and add/swap/change elements and information on the Wikipedia pages, however I never knew the term for this type of a site was a wiki. Now that I fully understand what a wiki is, I can now see why this particular information site is called Wikipedia! Because Wikipedia can be changed by practically anyone accessing the site, it is very understandable that we cannot use it as a reference in academic pieces, and we should therefore stress this to our students as well. Even though, this information may be slightly incorrect or misinformed, Wikipedia, I believe is still a great resource to use to find out information quickly and allows us to make understandings about different topics that can then be researched further to check its reliability.
After Googling, ‘education benefits of Wikipedia’ to find out if there were others that could tell me about the benefits that I may have overlooked or not considered, I funnily enough, found a Wikipedia site that described and gave a definition for educational technology. And forgive me for doing what we have been told not to do, but I am going to refer to a quote from Wikipedia, however in this instance I think it is ok…. I hope. “Educational technology (also called learning technology) is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses, instructional theory and learning theory. While instructional technology covers the processes and systems of learning and instruction, educational technology includes other systems used in the process of developing human capability. Educational Technology includes, but is not limited to, software, hardware, as well as Internet applications and activities.” (Wikipedia, 2009a). What I got from this statement is that Wikipedia itself is a form of education technology.
Because I am studying Early Childhood, I thought it would be appropriate to see if I could find out some information that is relevant to me to share on this blog. In studying the set Early Childhood courses, I have discovered what the Reggio Emilia Approach is. I remember when I first started making my understandings about this new concept I had never heard of and I referred to Wikipedia for some clarification. For those of you who have no idea what it is about, this is the definition that is given by Wikipedia. “The Reggio Emilia Approach is an educational philosophy focused on preschool and primary education. It was started by the parents of the villages around Reggio Emilia in Italy after World War II. The destruction from the war, parents believed, necessitated a new, quick approach to teaching their children. They felt that it is in the early years of development that children are forming who they are as an individual. This led to creation of a program based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of the children through a self-guided curriculum.” (Wikipedia, 2009b). I know that after just reading this first few sentences about the Reggio Emilia approach, I had formed some understanding of what it was, and therefore could go on and research it further to find out a lot more information that is available on the internet. To me, Wikipedia is a great way to provide students with a starting point when learning something new, and as teachers we need to be able to guide our students to use other educational technologies to find out more information. We also need to be able to show and teach our students about how to determine if sites are reliable (or not) and stress the importance to our students to research topics thoroughly and use a wide variety of sources.
Wikipedia. (2009a). Educational Technology. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
Wikipedia. (2009b). Reggio Emilia Approach. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
After Googling, ‘education benefits of Wikipedia’ to find out if there were others that could tell me about the benefits that I may have overlooked or not considered, I funnily enough, found a Wikipedia site that described and gave a definition for educational technology. And forgive me for doing what we have been told not to do, but I am going to refer to a quote from Wikipedia, however in this instance I think it is ok…. I hope. “Educational technology (also called learning technology) is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. The term educational technology is often associated with, and encompasses, instructional theory and learning theory. While instructional technology covers the processes and systems of learning and instruction, educational technology includes other systems used in the process of developing human capability. Educational Technology includes, but is not limited to, software, hardware, as well as Internet applications and activities.” (Wikipedia, 2009a). What I got from this statement is that Wikipedia itself is a form of education technology.
Because I am studying Early Childhood, I thought it would be appropriate to see if I could find out some information that is relevant to me to share on this blog. In studying the set Early Childhood courses, I have discovered what the Reggio Emilia Approach is. I remember when I first started making my understandings about this new concept I had never heard of and I referred to Wikipedia for some clarification. For those of you who have no idea what it is about, this is the definition that is given by Wikipedia. “The Reggio Emilia Approach is an educational philosophy focused on preschool and primary education. It was started by the parents of the villages around Reggio Emilia in Italy after World War II. The destruction from the war, parents believed, necessitated a new, quick approach to teaching their children. They felt that it is in the early years of development that children are forming who they are as an individual. This led to creation of a program based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of the children through a self-guided curriculum.” (Wikipedia, 2009b). I know that after just reading this first few sentences about the Reggio Emilia approach, I had formed some understanding of what it was, and therefore could go on and research it further to find out a lot more information that is available on the internet. To me, Wikipedia is a great way to provide students with a starting point when learning something new, and as teachers we need to be able to guide our students to use other educational technologies to find out more information. We also need to be able to show and teach our students about how to determine if sites are reliable (or not) and stress the importance to our students to research topics thoroughly and use a wide variety of sources.
Wikipedia. (2009a). Educational Technology. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
Wikipedia. (2009b). Reggio Emilia Approach. Retrieved on August 9, 2009, from
Google Earth
“Google Earth is a satellite imagery-based mapping product puts the whole world on a student's computer. It enables users to "fly" from space to street level to find geographic information and explore places around the world. Like a video game and a search engine rolled into one, Earth is basically a 3D model of the entire planet that lets you grab, spin and zoom down into any place on Earth.” (Google, 2009).
I have had a little bit of experience with Google Earth, however just for personal use. The thought of using Google Earth in the classroom never occurred to me until I read it was a topic to research and discover throughout this uni course. Over the years I have used both Google earth and just recently, have begun to use Street View, to look up places that are familiar to me, places that I have to work out how to get to and just to see everything from a different perspective. I found both Google Earth and Street View fun to use, and quite easy to work. The way it shows whereabouts places and landforms are in relation to different countries and regions on the globe, along with how it ‘flies’ you to the destination that has been entered, really fascinates and amuses me. I also like the fact that it shows if there are other suburbs or places in the world with the same name as there is in Australia.
On the Google for Educators site, where it describes Google Earth, it pointed out a variety of ideas of how to use Google Earth in the classroom that I would have never thought of by myself. Apart from using Google Earth for geographical purposes, my ideas were very limited. This site suggested that Google Earth can provide for many different learning experiences. The site states: “From literature to environmental science, Google Earth can help you bring a world of information alive for your students. You can use Google Earth demos to get your students excited about geography, and use different Google Earth layers to study economics, demographics, and transportation in specific contexts. For instance, you can use real-time coordinates to demonstrate distance calculations and verify the results using our measurement tools, view tectonic plate-shift evidence by examining whole continents, mountain ranges and areas of volcanic activity and/or study impact craters, dry lake beds and other major land forms.” (Google, 2009).
Google. (2009). Google for Educators: Google Earth. Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
I have had a little bit of experience with Google Earth, however just for personal use. The thought of using Google Earth in the classroom never occurred to me until I read it was a topic to research and discover throughout this uni course. Over the years I have used both Google earth and just recently, have begun to use Street View, to look up places that are familiar to me, places that I have to work out how to get to and just to see everything from a different perspective. I found both Google Earth and Street View fun to use, and quite easy to work. The way it shows whereabouts places and landforms are in relation to different countries and regions on the globe, along with how it ‘flies’ you to the destination that has been entered, really fascinates and amuses me. I also like the fact that it shows if there are other suburbs or places in the world with the same name as there is in Australia.
On the Google for Educators site, where it describes Google Earth, it pointed out a variety of ideas of how to use Google Earth in the classroom that I would have never thought of by myself. Apart from using Google Earth for geographical purposes, my ideas were very limited. This site suggested that Google Earth can provide for many different learning experiences. The site states: “From literature to environmental science, Google Earth can help you bring a world of information alive for your students. You can use Google Earth demos to get your students excited about geography, and use different Google Earth layers to study economics, demographics, and transportation in specific contexts. For instance, you can use real-time coordinates to demonstrate distance calculations and verify the results using our measurement tools, view tectonic plate-shift evidence by examining whole continents, mountain ranges and areas of volcanic activity and/or study impact craters, dry lake beds and other major land forms.” (Google, 2009).
Google. (2009). Google for Educators: Google Earth. Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
From researching WebQuests, I have learnt that this is an educational tool utilising the internet to engage learners and to cover many different educational topics. “A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web.” (Dodge, 1995). “Teachers have embraced WebQuests as a way to make good use of the internet while engaging their students in the kinds of thinking that the 21st century requires.” (Dodge, 1995). I found so many WebQuests on the internet by just typing ‘WebQuest’ into my search browser. One result link took me directly to a directory where teachers can search for different WebQuests that have been reviewed and/or rated by other teachers. (WebQuest Direct, 2009). Although this site requires a fee to access it, it is available for schools to purchase and subscription and therefore many WebQuests can become accessible for teachers to utilise different for their classes.
I asked myself when reading about WebQuests, what makes them so appealing to students and important in relations to education? I then realised that the answer to this question, actually relates directly to Kearsley and Shneiderman’s Engagement Theory, where it states that “students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks.” (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999). WebQuests are inquiry based and therefore enable students to remain engaged with the content through completing a variety of steps, stages and learning activities. One inquiry model that I am familiar with thanks to studying last years SOSE course is the TELSTAR model which I think is a great model to use when designing a WebQuest. (Tune in, Explore, Look, Sort, Test, Act, Reflect.) (Gordon, n.d.).
A site I came across listed many benefits of WebQuests that related to Kearsley & Shneiderman’s theory also. The benefits they listed about WebQuests are:
• “Students confront a complex and controversial real-world issue
• Students grapple with a central question that truly needs answering
• Students utilize real world, up-to-date resources on the Web (from experts, current reporting, and/or fringe groups)
• Students assume roles and must develop expertise
• Results of student work can be posted or sent to real people for feedback and evaluation.
• Based upon elements of cognitive psychology and constructivism. You provide guidance on the thinking process you want your students to follow. (Prompting or Scaffolding). Students are exposed to a broad range of information, examples, and opinions; they construct their own meaning which connects with their prior knowledge and experiences. (Constructivism)
• Contain concrete instructional objectives and tasks.
• Students must transform information in some way, exercising higher order thinking skills like error analysis, comparison, and synthesis.
• By taking on roles, students become experts on a specific aspect of a large and complex topic.
• The students work in groups to solve problems, utilizing their different areas of expertise. (Similar to work situations in real life.)
• The work of individual students is important, as it adds to the quality of the group's solution.” (March, n.d.).
In SOSE, we were required to create a WebQuest on a sustainability topic. When creating the WebQuest, I did encounter some issues that I considered might be an issue or concern that teachers may face also when creating WebQuests to be used in their classrooms. I found that:
- I had limited knowledge of how to actually create one that was usable for the internet
- It was somewhat time consuming and very fiddly to get different elements of the WebQuest correct and look appealing
- It required extensive research and planning to correctly design the WebQuest (in relations to curriculum) for the target audience and outcomes that needed to be met during and at the end of the WebQuest.
In short, it wasn’t such an easy task as I thought it would be and was more complex and intricate than I first thought.
I do believe that because there are so many WebQuests available on the internet that can be used, if teachers do not feel they have to capabilities, confidence or time to create a WebQuest themselves, this can be useful to them. By using WebQuests in the classroom, students are able to be exposed to useful information and resources utilising the internet and therefore creating a less ‘traditional’ learning experience than being given tasks to complete that are not so engaging and do not utilising any ICTs.
Dodge, B. (2007). Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
Gordon, K. (n.d.). Inquiry Approaches in Primary Studies of Society and Environment Key Learning Area. Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology based teaching and learning. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from
March, T. (n.d.). WebQuests for Learning – What are the benefits of WebQuests? Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
WebQuest Direct. (2009). The World's Largest Searchable Directory of WebQuest Reviews. Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
I asked myself when reading about WebQuests, what makes them so appealing to students and important in relations to education? I then realised that the answer to this question, actually relates directly to Kearsley and Shneiderman’s Engagement Theory, where it states that “students must be meaningfully engaged in learning activities through interaction with others and worthwhile tasks.” (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999). WebQuests are inquiry based and therefore enable students to remain engaged with the content through completing a variety of steps, stages and learning activities. One inquiry model that I am familiar with thanks to studying last years SOSE course is the TELSTAR model which I think is a great model to use when designing a WebQuest. (Tune in, Explore, Look, Sort, Test, Act, Reflect.) (Gordon, n.d.).
A site I came across listed many benefits of WebQuests that related to Kearsley & Shneiderman’s theory also. The benefits they listed about WebQuests are:
• “Students confront a complex and controversial real-world issue
• Students grapple with a central question that truly needs answering
• Students utilize real world, up-to-date resources on the Web (from experts, current reporting, and/or fringe groups)
• Students assume roles and must develop expertise
• Results of student work can be posted or sent to real people for feedback and evaluation.
• Based upon elements of cognitive psychology and constructivism. You provide guidance on the thinking process you want your students to follow. (Prompting or Scaffolding). Students are exposed to a broad range of information, examples, and opinions; they construct their own meaning which connects with their prior knowledge and experiences. (Constructivism)
• Contain concrete instructional objectives and tasks.
• Students must transform information in some way, exercising higher order thinking skills like error analysis, comparison, and synthesis.
• By taking on roles, students become experts on a specific aspect of a large and complex topic.
• The students work in groups to solve problems, utilizing their different areas of expertise. (Similar to work situations in real life.)
• The work of individual students is important, as it adds to the quality of the group's solution.” (March, n.d.).
In SOSE, we were required to create a WebQuest on a sustainability topic. When creating the WebQuest, I did encounter some issues that I considered might be an issue or concern that teachers may face also when creating WebQuests to be used in their classrooms. I found that:
- I had limited knowledge of how to actually create one that was usable for the internet
- It was somewhat time consuming and very fiddly to get different elements of the WebQuest correct and look appealing
- It required extensive research and planning to correctly design the WebQuest (in relations to curriculum) for the target audience and outcomes that needed to be met during and at the end of the WebQuest.
In short, it wasn’t such an easy task as I thought it would be and was more complex and intricate than I first thought.
I do believe that because there are so many WebQuests available on the internet that can be used, if teachers do not feel they have to capabilities, confidence or time to create a WebQuest themselves, this can be useful to them. By using WebQuests in the classroom, students are able to be exposed to useful information and resources utilising the internet and therefore creating a less ‘traditional’ learning experience than being given tasks to complete that are not so engaging and do not utilising any ICTs.
Dodge, B. (2007). Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
Gordon, K. (n.d.). Inquiry Approaches in Primary Studies of Society and Environment Key Learning Area. Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology based teaching and learning. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from
March, T. (n.d.). WebQuests for Learning – What are the benefits of WebQuests? Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
WebQuest Direct. (2009). The World's Largest Searchable Directory of WebQuest Reviews. Retrieved on August 8, 2009, from
Monday, August 3, 2009
Educational Podcasts (iTunes and others)
I was not very familiar with podcasts when starting this topic. I had listened to some during uni tutorials that the lecturer had played through iTunes, however I had never knew that there were many more sites that had podcasts to listen to, such as ABCs Ed Pods.
After now understanding that there are many podcasts on the internet on a range of diverse topics, I began to think about and see how podcasts could be used in education settings to benefit students. Because students nowadays seem to be so techno savvy and most students in the older grades have mp3/mp4/ipods and other devices, the use of podcasts would be relevant, engaging, beneficial and ‘technologically up to date’ for them. Kearsley and Shneiderman (1999) indicate that “an ICT environment, is best suited to providing a meaningful and authentic experience for students, one that can be configured to simulate the kinds of experiences students will face outside of the classroom.” (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999, in Marshall, 2007).
Because podcasts can be downloaded and then added to these devices, students could be given an educational podcast relevant to a topic/activity being discussed at school to look up, upload and listen to at home. I am aware that not all students will have an mp3/mp4/ipod or will have limited access to the computer/internet at home due to parent preferences and home rules, so therefore teachers would need to come up with an alternative for students to be able to listen to set podcasts at a given time during school and/or make parents aware of the intentions and use of podcasts in learning experiences at school and at home. Working with the parents to understand the benefits of podcasts for their child’s education can create a collaborative relationship with parents of students in your class and even get parents actively involved in their child’s learning at home.
When researching podcasts, I was surprised to find that students and teachers could create them at schools/in the classrooms. “Podcasts can be created from original material by students and teachers or existing audio files can be downloaded for classroom use. Creating a podcast allows students to share learning experiences. It provides them with a world-wide audience that makes learning meaningful and assessment authentic. Teachers can use the technology to provide additional and revision material to students to download and review at a time that suits them. The flexibility that such time-shifting offers makes podcasting a valuable educational tool.” (Western Australian Department of Education and Training, 2009).
ABC. (2007). Ed Pod. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from
Marshall, S. (2007). Engagement theory, WebCT, and academic writing in Australia. Retrieved on July 29, 2009, from
Western Australian Department of Education and Training. (2009). Podcasts in the classroom. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from
After now understanding that there are many podcasts on the internet on a range of diverse topics, I began to think about and see how podcasts could be used in education settings to benefit students. Because students nowadays seem to be so techno savvy and most students in the older grades have mp3/mp4/ipods and other devices, the use of podcasts would be relevant, engaging, beneficial and ‘technologically up to date’ for them. Kearsley and Shneiderman (1999) indicate that “an ICT environment, is best suited to providing a meaningful and authentic experience for students, one that can be configured to simulate the kinds of experiences students will face outside of the classroom.” (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999, in Marshall, 2007).
Because podcasts can be downloaded and then added to these devices, students could be given an educational podcast relevant to a topic/activity being discussed at school to look up, upload and listen to at home. I am aware that not all students will have an mp3/mp4/ipod or will have limited access to the computer/internet at home due to parent preferences and home rules, so therefore teachers would need to come up with an alternative for students to be able to listen to set podcasts at a given time during school and/or make parents aware of the intentions and use of podcasts in learning experiences at school and at home. Working with the parents to understand the benefits of podcasts for their child’s education can create a collaborative relationship with parents of students in your class and even get parents actively involved in their child’s learning at home.
When researching podcasts, I was surprised to find that students and teachers could create them at schools/in the classrooms. “Podcasts can be created from original material by students and teachers or existing audio files can be downloaded for classroom use. Creating a podcast allows students to share learning experiences. It provides them with a world-wide audience that makes learning meaningful and assessment authentic. Teachers can use the technology to provide additional and revision material to students to download and review at a time that suits them. The flexibility that such time-shifting offers makes podcasting a valuable educational tool.” (Western Australian Department of Education and Training, 2009).
ABC. (2007). Ed Pod. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from
Marshall, S. (2007). Engagement theory, WebCT, and academic writing in Australia. Retrieved on July 29, 2009, from
Western Australian Department of Education and Training. (2009). Podcasts in the classroom. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Kearsley and Shneiderman (Engagement theory)
I thought that I would post these links of the engagement theory and design model by Kearsley and Shneiderman. If anyone is like me, and had to be reminded that this was a conceptual framework to be referring to in our blogs, then these just might help you! (I am pretty sure that one of these is already placed on the moodle site, however i will find it easier to access myself if it is on my blog) =)
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology based teaching and learning. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from
Marshall, S. (2007). Engagement theory, WebCT, and academic writing in Australia. Retrieved on July 29, 2009, from
Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement Theory: A framework for technology based teaching and learning. Retrieved July 29, 2009, from
Marshall, S. (2007). Engagement theory, WebCT, and academic writing in Australia. Retrieved on July 29, 2009, from
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
YouTube (with Clip)
YouTube is a website that I access on a daily basis, not only for pure entertainment and curiosity, but also for educational purposes. I must admit, when I have been asked to do assignments or plan lessons where it says to incorporate ICTs, the first thing I think of is, ‘I can add the use of Youtube clips into my lessons.’ This was practically one of the only ICTs I often considered to use in the past because of its wide variety of different clips that can be found on so many different topics and be appealing to all ages. However after working my way through this course, I have now learnt the benefits and possibilities of so many different technologies. I have been able to significantly think about the many different technologies (ICTs), their uses and benefits and how to incorporate them into future practical classroom experiences.
The clip I have decided to include in this blog is one that I have previously utilised for a Science unit of work using the 5Es Investigation Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate). (Primary Connections, 2008). The background details of the unit are as follows:
Scientific Concept/Topic: The Water Cycle (and the use/conservation of water)
Grade: 2
Time Frame/Unit Length: 7 lessons
CLO: Earth and Beyond 1.1 – Students identify and describe obvious features of the Earth and sky. (Queensland Studies Authority, 1999).
Relevant Essential Learnings by the end of grade 3: Earth and Beyond
- Earth and space experience recurring patterns and natural cycles of events, including season, weather and moon phases and these can affect living things. (Queensland Studies Authority, 2008, p. 2).
- Materials of Earth can be used in various ways. (Queensland Studies Authority, 2008, p. 2).
The YouTube clip planned to be used in this unit is a simple clip that has a catchy tune and sings the process of the water cycle.
The clip is useful in relations to this specific unit because it offers a way to help students remember the terminology and the process/order of the water cycle through song and a visual means. The clip itself has the words fly in and out, turn around and change numerous times to show the lyrics of what is being sung. The students are also able to see the spelling of the words through having the lyrics appear as the song plays. (After listening to this clip a few times, this tune that was stuck in my head!)
I see YouTube and TeacherTube as very practical sites that have so much to offer in regards to educational content. I do believe that students in schools should not be let to their own devices on YouTube as there are so many clips that have no place in the classroom. Therefore, I believe it is the responsibility of the teacher to find suitable clips to share with students relating to lesson topics, instead of students looking for ones themselves.
By using other technology such as powerpoint, students could create clips to place on YouTube that can share what they are learning in class with the ‘outside world.’ After looking at many clips on YouTube, there are already so many clips that have been clearly made by students (such as beginner clay animations, etc). Creating a project where students could create a clip that the teacher can place on YouTube, could prove to be a great way to engage students with the content, create a hands on approach to what they are learning and giving students a permanent reminder of what they did and learnt by making available to them on the internet.
Primary Connections. (2008). An elaboration of the Primary Connections 5Es teaching and learning model. Retrieved July 27, 2009, from
Queensland Studies Authority. (2008). Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework: Science Essential Learnings. Retrieved on March 11, 2008, from
Queensland Studies Authority. (1999). Science Years 1 to 10 syllabus. Retrieved on March 7, 2008, from
ScienceExplosion. (2008). YouTube - Water Cycle Song. Retrieved on July 27, 2009, from
TeacherTube. (2009). TeacherTube. Retrieved July 27, 2009, from
The clip I have decided to include in this blog is one that I have previously utilised for a Science unit of work using the 5Es Investigation Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate). (Primary Connections, 2008). The background details of the unit are as follows:
Scientific Concept/Topic: The Water Cycle (and the use/conservation of water)
Grade: 2
Time Frame/Unit Length: 7 lessons
CLO: Earth and Beyond 1.1 – Students identify and describe obvious features of the Earth and sky. (Queensland Studies Authority, 1999).
Relevant Essential Learnings by the end of grade 3: Earth and Beyond
- Earth and space experience recurring patterns and natural cycles of events, including season, weather and moon phases and these can affect living things. (Queensland Studies Authority, 2008, p. 2).
- Materials of Earth can be used in various ways. (Queensland Studies Authority, 2008, p. 2).
The YouTube clip planned to be used in this unit is a simple clip that has a catchy tune and sings the process of the water cycle.
The clip is useful in relations to this specific unit because it offers a way to help students remember the terminology and the process/order of the water cycle through song and a visual means. The clip itself has the words fly in and out, turn around and change numerous times to show the lyrics of what is being sung. The students are also able to see the spelling of the words through having the lyrics appear as the song plays. (After listening to this clip a few times, this tune that was stuck in my head!)
I see YouTube and TeacherTube as very practical sites that have so much to offer in regards to educational content. I do believe that students in schools should not be let to their own devices on YouTube as there are so many clips that have no place in the classroom. Therefore, I believe it is the responsibility of the teacher to find suitable clips to share with students relating to lesson topics, instead of students looking for ones themselves.
By using other technology such as powerpoint, students could create clips to place on YouTube that can share what they are learning in class with the ‘outside world.’ After looking at many clips on YouTube, there are already so many clips that have been clearly made by students (such as beginner clay animations, etc). Creating a project where students could create a clip that the teacher can place on YouTube, could prove to be a great way to engage students with the content, create a hands on approach to what they are learning and giving students a permanent reminder of what they did and learnt by making available to them on the internet.
Primary Connections. (2008). An elaboration of the Primary Connections 5Es teaching and learning model. Retrieved July 27, 2009, from
Queensland Studies Authority. (2008). Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework: Science Essential Learnings. Retrieved on March 11, 2008, from
Queensland Studies Authority. (1999). Science Years 1 to 10 syllabus. Retrieved on March 7, 2008, from
ScienceExplosion. (2008). YouTube - Water Cycle Song. Retrieved on July 27, 2009, from
TeacherTube. (2009). TeacherTube. Retrieved July 27, 2009, from
Oliver's ICT learning design model
I found on the internet, a great visual representation of Oliver's ICT learning model that has clarified to me what it really is. I thought that I would post it on my blog for others to be able to see and understand.
"This project focuses on learning designs implemented with the use of Information and Communication Technologies. Oliver (1999) argues that a learning design comprises the following key elements:
Based on Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for online teaching and learning. Distance Education, 20(2), 240-254.
AUTC. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from
"This project focuses on learning designs implemented with the use of Information and Communication Technologies. Oliver (1999) argues that a learning design comprises the following key elements:
- Tasks that learners are required to do.
- Resources that support learners to conduct the task.
- Support mechanisms that exist from a teacher implementing it." (AUTC, 2003).

AUTC. (2003). Learning Design. Retrieved July 30, 2009, from
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Quizzes – ClassMarker
Quizzes, they are something that all teachers seem to use in their classrooms to test students’ knowledge and understandings at different stages of learning. In my own schooling I have completed many quizzes and have now, in prac placements written quizzes for my own students. Generally when I think of quizzes, I think of multiple pieces of paper with yes/no answers, multiple choice questions and then blank lines to fill in longer answers. It is time consuming to write/design and time consuming to mark. However, since I was at school I have noticed the changes in the way quizzes are presented to students.
In my current placement, the school is lucky enough to have interactive whiteboards in each classroom, which can be linked up to a program called ActivExpressions. (Promethean, 2009). Each child is given a ‘remote control/phone’ type device that is linked up the active expressions program on the computer and then projected to the whiteboard for students to see. Teachers are able to use a program very similar to ClassMarker to create quizzes for students to complete. I was able to watch the students complete different quizzes with multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, free text, punctuation and essay styled questions. Instead of being made to write answers, the students typed their answers in and were excited to complete different tests. After completing the tests, there was no need for the teacher to sit down and mark each students’ answers one at a time (making it a very time consuming task that can see teachers making marking errors after spending a long period of time looking at the same questions over and over). Instead, the results were calculated by the program, and students were able to see the questions again on the whiteboard, see the correct answers and be able to see graphs and statistics of all the students’ answers. I saw that this collaboration of the answers created active discussions and interest amongst the students and the content of the test itself. It made it more interesting and interactive for them.
Any program, similar to ClassMarker, I believe can provide a great learning and formative and summative assessing tool for teachers. It enables them to design personalised tests, modify them frequently and see results instantaneously after students complete the test/s. It definitively provides a more interactive way of testing students that is more technologically advanced than ‘boring pieces of paper and a pencil.’
Below this blog is a link to a very simple maths quiz I created just to test my skills at creating a quiz using this specific program. I even found a mistake in it when I tested it myself, and found that it was so great to be able to go back and quickly correct it!
Promethean. (2009). ActivExpressions. Retrieved on July 25, 2009, from
In my current placement, the school is lucky enough to have interactive whiteboards in each classroom, which can be linked up to a program called ActivExpressions. (Promethean, 2009). Each child is given a ‘remote control/phone’ type device that is linked up the active expressions program on the computer and then projected to the whiteboard for students to see. Teachers are able to use a program very similar to ClassMarker to create quizzes for students to complete. I was able to watch the students complete different quizzes with multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, free text, punctuation and essay styled questions. Instead of being made to write answers, the students typed their answers in and were excited to complete different tests. After completing the tests, there was no need for the teacher to sit down and mark each students’ answers one at a time (making it a very time consuming task that can see teachers making marking errors after spending a long period of time looking at the same questions over and over). Instead, the results were calculated by the program, and students were able to see the questions again on the whiteboard, see the correct answers and be able to see graphs and statistics of all the students’ answers. I saw that this collaboration of the answers created active discussions and interest amongst the students and the content of the test itself. It made it more interesting and interactive for them.
Any program, similar to ClassMarker, I believe can provide a great learning and formative and summative assessing tool for teachers. It enables them to design personalised tests, modify them frequently and see results instantaneously after students complete the test/s. It definitively provides a more interactive way of testing students that is more technologically advanced than ‘boring pieces of paper and a pencil.’
Below this blog is a link to a very simple maths quiz I created just to test my skills at creating a quiz using this specific program. I even found a mistake in it when I tested it myself, and found that it was so great to be able to go back and quickly correct it!
Promethean. (2009). ActivExpressions. Retrieved on July 25, 2009, from
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Picnik Photo Altering/Manipulation
Photo BEFORE Picnik Altering
Photo AFTER Picnik Altering

I have always been interested in altering and manipulating personal photos. On my own computer I have a few programs such as Paint.Net and Adobe Photoshop that I use to play around with images. I never considered, prior to this course, about looking for a program to use online. Although Picnik was okay to use, I did find it a bit difficult to change my image in certain ways because a lot of the options only become usable when you sign up and pay for a premium account. After a while, it was frustrating me because I was clicking on different settings, however when I went to apply certain features permanently onto my picture it requested that I had to upgrade and pay to use what I had chosen (which I was not prepared to do). Therefore this limited what I could do with the pictures significantly. I did however like that I could see what each setting did to the picture and click cancel to be able to look at more options before making a decision of the changes I wanted to make. In the end, I did end up altering a picture I had uploaded to the site and made some minor adjustments to it. Even though I had only changed a few elements of the picture, it made it look totally different to the original.
In relations to using a program like Picnik in classrooms, it would be useful in a number of ways. For younger audiences, through adding in simple pictures onto photos would be great to add some character to student folios. For example, if the students were doing an activity looking at frogs, then a picture of the student/s engaging in the activity could be altered to have some pictures of frogs around the border, etc. By altering and manipulating photos, it can essentially bring elements to pictures that we cannot capture through just the original picture itself. Through using these programs, we can change pictures that may have some focus or colour impurities and in turn make it a higher quality picture than the original. Through manipulating images, it is also possible to crop out unwanted parts of the picture that may detract from the intent or key part of the picture.
With these programs, the options are endless as to what a picture can be turned into. It essentially to me is a form of art in itself to transform a simple picture into something that looks so beautiful, fun and/or interesting. A site I did come across talked about digitally manipulation and posed some questions that made me think about how they would relate to digitally manipulating pictures in education. “The important questions when we manipulate an image are, why are we doing this, and what are our purposes and intentions? Where do we draw the line? What is ethical in the digital manipulation and enhancement of a photo?” (Lodriguss, 2006). I am interested in hearing what other people would consider when answering these questions and how they personally see the use of altering pictures for educational purposes.
Lodriguss, J. (2006). The Ethics of Digital Manipulation. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from
Picnik. (2009). Picnik. Retrieved on July 25, 2009, from
Now here is a technology/program I CAN work and know how to use already. Through most of my time at high school and through university so far, PowerPoint has been a life saver to me, especially when we have been asked to do ‘dreaded’ individual or presentations. I remember I never actually got taught directly how to use PowerPoint, however over the years of using it, I slowly worked my way around the program to find different ways to fill slides and add effects to them. I remember as a kid, bored at home on a weekend I would often enjoy making little PowerPoint presentations of random ideas and stories to show my family. I was fascinated with the endless possibilities I could create and the many different pictures, colours and animations I could make using this program. Of course, I did occasionally encounter some problems and technical glitches while working on it (such as not being able to move something how I wanted to, the program freezing on me, or somehow just magically losing what I had just wrote). Even with the small problems I have encountered a few times, PowerPoint has proved to me, to be such a great tool to use for my personal studies and as well as in schools for students to create different projects and presentations.
Through looking around the internet for information about powerpoint itself (because technically I didn’t know much background information about it, apart from that it was automatically on my computer when I installed the windows office package), I came across the ‘PowerPoint in the Classroom’ website. “PowerPoint is a high-powered software tool used for presenting information in a dynamic slide show format. Text, charts, graphs, sound effects and video are just some of the elements PowerPoint can incorporate into your presentations with ease. Whether it's a classroom lesson, a parents' group meeting, a teachers' seminar or an unattended kiosk at the Science Fair - PowerPoint shows you how to make a powerful impression on your audience.” (ACT360 Media Ltd, 2007). I was quite impressed with how this website gave so much information about PowerPoint itself and step by step instructions of how to do/complete different things in the PowerPoint program. It not only has information dedicated just for teachers, but also easy, step by step instructions with diagrams suitable for even younger students to follow (ideally with the aid of a teacher). To be able to incorporate PowerPoint in the classroom and teach students how to use it properly, this site would be fantastic to use in a classroom. Lessons incorporating PowerPoint also have potential to reach out to many different learning styles and appeal to students because it can be a fun way to present different information and projects to an audience.
Looking and thinking about what I thought was quite a simple program that I use on a regular basis, instead is now to me, much more than that. It is such an important tool that is so readily available to many students/people that have access to a computer. As teachers, I do believe we need to be finding ways to utilise some programs like PowerPoint, that on the surface may seem so simple and not necessarily very important, or in way, ‘outdated’. However, when used in many different ways for many different purposes, they offer great learning tools and resources for us and our students that are not necessarily based solely around ‘internet technologies’. We need to use all programs and resources that are available to benefit our students and to expose them to as much knowledge and hands on experience as possible.
ACT360 Media Ltd. (2007). Powerpoint in the classroom. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from
Through looking around the internet for information about powerpoint itself (because technically I didn’t know much background information about it, apart from that it was automatically on my computer when I installed the windows office package), I came across the ‘PowerPoint in the Classroom’ website. “PowerPoint is a high-powered software tool used for presenting information in a dynamic slide show format. Text, charts, graphs, sound effects and video are just some of the elements PowerPoint can incorporate into your presentations with ease. Whether it's a classroom lesson, a parents' group meeting, a teachers' seminar or an unattended kiosk at the Science Fair - PowerPoint shows you how to make a powerful impression on your audience.” (ACT360 Media Ltd, 2007). I was quite impressed with how this website gave so much information about PowerPoint itself and step by step instructions of how to do/complete different things in the PowerPoint program. It not only has information dedicated just for teachers, but also easy, step by step instructions with diagrams suitable for even younger students to follow (ideally with the aid of a teacher). To be able to incorporate PowerPoint in the classroom and teach students how to use it properly, this site would be fantastic to use in a classroom. Lessons incorporating PowerPoint also have potential to reach out to many different learning styles and appeal to students because it can be a fun way to present different information and projects to an audience.
Looking and thinking about what I thought was quite a simple program that I use on a regular basis, instead is now to me, much more than that. It is such an important tool that is so readily available to many students/people that have access to a computer. As teachers, I do believe we need to be finding ways to utilise some programs like PowerPoint, that on the surface may seem so simple and not necessarily very important, or in way, ‘outdated’. However, when used in many different ways for many different purposes, they offer great learning tools and resources for us and our students that are not necessarily based solely around ‘internet technologies’. We need to use all programs and resources that are available to benefit our students and to expose them to as much knowledge and hands on experience as possible.
ACT360 Media Ltd. (2007). Powerpoint in the classroom. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from
Flikr photo test
'The Mammoth'
Originally uploaded by Jillie89
This is a test blog to see if I can successfully add a photo onto my blog from my Flikr account. This picture is of my friends and myself at the start of the year at Wet N Wild on 'The Mammoth'. This 'lovely' picture was taken during our ride and because it was such an awesome picture, we all got a copy to remind us about that specific ride and to laugh about it all over again!
This site would be useful to create an account that all students in a class could access. The teacher and students could take pictures of different events and activities that the class participates in and upload these photos on the site. The students themselves could then label the pictures, write descriptions of what is happening in the pictures and show the photos to parents and other teachers, etc, ultimately sharing the different learning experiences that have been captured in the pictures. This would be a great way to store the photos in once central location that is readily accessible with internet access. It would initially work as an online photo album of the class events throughout a year that students can access both during the year and also in future years.
CQUniversity. (2009). An Introduction to teachers' Delivery Technologies. Retrieved on July 19, 2009, from
Flickr. (2009). Flickr. Retrieved July 25, 2009, from
E.Portfolios – Mahara
Last week I was faced with a quite confusing task of setting up an e.portfolio using a Mahara account. Prior to this, I had never heard of Mahara, nor understood the concept of an e.portfolio. I decided that I should look around the internet to get a better idea of the purpose of them and the relevance to me. Throughout my research I found out that e portfolios really stood for electronic folios and they are collections of work designed for a specific objective. (Siemens, 2004). I also discovered that they “are gaining recognition as a valuable tool for learners, instructors, and academic organizations.” (Siemens, 2004). When I read this, I questioned what exactly made them relevant for me or the teaching profession in general. I continued looking through the many different sites that were related to e.potfolios, until I came across a site that stated just how it was related to teaching. “An e.portfolio is a purposeful collection of work and information that: represents an individual's efforts, progress and achievements over time, is goal-driven, performance-based and indicates evidence of the attainment of knowledge, skills and attitudes, includes self-reflection; and is a tool for facilitating life-long learning and career development.” (Miers, 2005).
After finally understanding what e.portfolios were and the relevance of them, it then left me with another step to complete… understanding how it works. This is something that I am still working on, however after playing around with my new Mahara account, it made me think about the use of these not just for teachers to create a professional folio to present for interviews and to show their work to professional, but also for students, especially students in high school. I remember having to write my own resume in grade 9 and found that it was always a hassle to print off all my references and certificates that I referred to in the resume itself. If I had known about an e.portfolio program and knew that I could compile a comprehensive resume online, I could have directed my potential employer/s to my e.potfolio or handed it to them via disc. It would have been a lot easier and tidier way of handing them my resume (plus good for the environment).
I am still yet to full understand how to navigate my way through Mahara, however I do know that once I can use it efficiently, it will become a very useful resource in my career that I can constantly build on and refer to.
Miers, J. (2005). Professional E.Porfolios in Education. Retrieved July 19, 2009, from
Siemens, G. (2004). E.portfolios. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from
After finally understanding what e.portfolios were and the relevance of them, it then left me with another step to complete… understanding how it works. This is something that I am still working on, however after playing around with my new Mahara account, it made me think about the use of these not just for teachers to create a professional folio to present for interviews and to show their work to professional, but also for students, especially students in high school. I remember having to write my own resume in grade 9 and found that it was always a hassle to print off all my references and certificates that I referred to in the resume itself. If I had known about an e.portfolio program and knew that I could compile a comprehensive resume online, I could have directed my potential employer/s to my e.potfolio or handed it to them via disc. It would have been a lot easier and tidier way of handing them my resume (plus good for the environment).
I am still yet to full understand how to navigate my way through Mahara, however I do know that once I can use it efficiently, it will become a very useful resource in my career that I can constantly build on and refer to.
Miers, J. (2005). Professional E.Porfolios in Education. Retrieved July 19, 2009, from
Siemens, G. (2004). E.portfolios. Retrieved July 20, 2009, from
Voki Avatars
I found this Voki Avatar program a lot of fun to use. It was simple to navigate through and it was creative. I could adjust so many different elements of my character and the setting multiple times. To some degree it amused me and kept me interested for a long period of time. If I, an adult could find this program a great deal of fun to play around with, I can definitely see how well this could work in the classroom settings.
The use of avatars in the classroom can aim to engage students on a totally different level than what they would normally experience on a day to day basis. Nowadays, children are surrounded by games and different characters, therefore the concept of an avatar wouldn’t seem ‘foreign’ to most students. Often I have seen children watch programs and then be able to restate what the characters have said or reinacted their actions. Their memory skills of something they were so interested in amazed me. Therefore, if teachers can create avatars of different characters, it can enable students to be given instructions or information through an avatar instead of straight from the teacher, which may help in students to remain engaged, entertained and in turn retain information and comprehend what the avatar has said/ explained to them what they need to do. Also, by having an avatar giving instructions and information to students, it can be used alongside the teaching of the class teacher. (The avatar can be seen by students as someone/a character who is ‘overlooking’ their work and is working in collaboration with the teacher, with the teacher ‘informing’ the avatar of the students progress, etc.) An online article described the benefits of virtual teachers/avatars in educational settings. It stated that, “we know that retention is improved, we know that "lean back" education can be effortlessly absorbed and we know that there is nothing more powerful when it comes to delivering complex ideas or facts than the spoken word.” (Jay, 2009)
Avatars not only can be designed for teachers to use, I can see how they can also be used by students themselves. Students would be able to create avatars for different projects and to communicate with each other in the classroom. It can make presenting to the class or collaborating with each other more interesting for them. The biggest concern that I believe teachers would face with letting students create their own avatars would be monitoring the use of them and ensuring that students use them appropriately in the school setting.
The Avatar I have created and embedded into this blog, has been designed to introduce a class to its topic of Australian Animals. WARNING, it is very brief and sounds a bit strange.
Jay, A.J. (2009). Talking Avatars in Education - The Virtual Teacher comes of age! Retrieved on July 19, 2009, from
The use of avatars in the classroom can aim to engage students on a totally different level than what they would normally experience on a day to day basis. Nowadays, children are surrounded by games and different characters, therefore the concept of an avatar wouldn’t seem ‘foreign’ to most students. Often I have seen children watch programs and then be able to restate what the characters have said or reinacted their actions. Their memory skills of something they were so interested in amazed me. Therefore, if teachers can create avatars of different characters, it can enable students to be given instructions or information through an avatar instead of straight from the teacher, which may help in students to remain engaged, entertained and in turn retain information and comprehend what the avatar has said/ explained to them what they need to do. Also, by having an avatar giving instructions and information to students, it can be used alongside the teaching of the class teacher. (The avatar can be seen by students as someone/a character who is ‘overlooking’ their work and is working in collaboration with the teacher, with the teacher ‘informing’ the avatar of the students progress, etc.) An online article described the benefits of virtual teachers/avatars in educational settings. It stated that, “we know that retention is improved, we know that "lean back" education can be effortlessly absorbed and we know that there is nothing more powerful when it comes to delivering complex ideas or facts than the spoken word.” (Jay, 2009)
Avatars not only can be designed for teachers to use, I can see how they can also be used by students themselves. Students would be able to create avatars for different projects and to communicate with each other in the classroom. It can make presenting to the class or collaborating with each other more interesting for them. The biggest concern that I believe teachers would face with letting students create their own avatars would be monitoring the use of them and ensuring that students use them appropriately in the school setting.
The Avatar I have created and embedded into this blog, has been designed to introduce a class to its topic of Australian Animals. WARNING, it is very brief and sounds a bit strange.
Jay, A.J. (2009). Talking Avatars in Education - The Virtual Teacher comes of age! Retrieved on July 19, 2009, from
Wikis - WetPaint
In the Information and Communication Technologies learning outcomes by the Queensland Studies Authority, it gives many different expectations and guidelines of what students should be doing in regards to technology throughout different stages of their education. In just one section it states: “Students explore and experiment with the use of a range of ICT functions and applications. They develop the knowledge, skills and capacity to select and use ICTs to inquire, develop new understandings, transform information and construct new knowledge for a specific purpose or context. They communicate with others in an ethical, safe and responsible manner. They develop understandings of the impact of ICTs on society.” (QSA, 2009). From reading just these few statements along with the outcomes/essential learnings, it made me realise just how all of the different technologies that we have been encouraged to look at, play around with and discuss in our Blogs, truly do fit with education. It also identified to me, the importance for us (teachers) to share the different resources and technologies (that we discover and learn to use) with students to give them many opportunities to demonstrate the many different technology outcomes/essential learnings.
The Wiki that I have created using WetPaint, is a test one (that is quite bare, however it gives you an idea of what I am referring to in this blog post). I decided to create this Wiki to suit the class I am currently laced with now – Grade 3. Their unit is currently focused on Life and Living, particularly looking at the life cycles and environments of Australia native animals. Because Wiki’s are a great way to communicate, collaborate and are very easy to add to and to change around, I thought that this would be a great technology tool for students to learn throughout the unit of work as individuals and share their learning with the whole class. The students are able to add new information they find and learn based on the unit topic.
For, more structure on the Wiki, at the start of the unit, the teacher could conduct a KWL and place all the students’ responses on the Wiki. Students can then add to the K (what they know), W (what they want to know) and L (what they have learnt) sections as the unit progresses. On the Western Australian Department of Education and Training, it identifies the benefits of using wikis in classrooms. It states that “wikis encourage group social interaction and collaboration and support asynchronous communication allowing users to contribute at a time, and from a place that suits them. Many students find that their learning is most effective when they are actively involved in the construction of their knowledge.” (Western Australian Department of Education and Training, 2009). If students are given the opportunity to communicate and share (through the use of Wikis) what they discover and learn, students may take more of an engaged and active interest into, and enjoy their many different learning journeys with their peers while at school.
The WetPaint site I have created is available by clicking on this link.
Queensland Studies Authority. (2009). Information and Communication Technologies, Cross-Curricular priority by the end of year 3. Retrieved July 23, 2009, from
Western Australia Department of Education and Training. (2009). Wikis in the Classroom. Retrieved on July 23, 2009, from
The Wiki that I have created using WetPaint, is a test one (that is quite bare, however it gives you an idea of what I am referring to in this blog post). I decided to create this Wiki to suit the class I am currently laced with now – Grade 3. Their unit is currently focused on Life and Living, particularly looking at the life cycles and environments of Australia native animals. Because Wiki’s are a great way to communicate, collaborate and are very easy to add to and to change around, I thought that this would be a great technology tool for students to learn throughout the unit of work as individuals and share their learning with the whole class. The students are able to add new information they find and learn based on the unit topic.
For, more structure on the Wiki, at the start of the unit, the teacher could conduct a KWL and place all the students’ responses on the Wiki. Students can then add to the K (what they know), W (what they want to know) and L (what they have learnt) sections as the unit progresses. On the Western Australian Department of Education and Training, it identifies the benefits of using wikis in classrooms. It states that “wikis encourage group social interaction and collaboration and support asynchronous communication allowing users to contribute at a time, and from a place that suits them. Many students find that their learning is most effective when they are actively involved in the construction of their knowledge.” (Western Australian Department of Education and Training, 2009). If students are given the opportunity to communicate and share (through the use of Wikis) what they discover and learn, students may take more of an engaged and active interest into, and enjoy their many different learning journeys with their peers while at school.
The WetPaint site I have created is available by clicking on this link.
Queensland Studies Authority. (2009). Information and Communication Technologies, Cross-Curricular priority by the end of year 3. Retrieved July 23, 2009, from
Western Australia Department of Education and Training. (2009). Wikis in the Classroom. Retrieved on July 23, 2009, from
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
RSS Aggregator (Google Reader) and My Blog
RSS Aggregator! What is an RSS Aggregator? This is the panicked question that was running through my head when I first read the assignment 1 criteria sheet. Little did I know how simple of a tool it would be to actually set up.
My first step to setting up an RSS aggregator was to find out what it actually was. After looking at the very helpful Youtube clip attached to the course materials, I learnt that it stood for Really Simple Syndication. (CQUniversity, 2009). I also learnt that instead of wasting time to look for new blogs or information on different websites, a single website (a reader) can follow the sites for us and notify us of the updates or new information for us. (LeeLeFever, 2007).
After finding this useful information out, I had to then set up my blog that would ultimately be the platform for my assignment. Setting up the blog was quite simple enough for me, since I had already (all by myself) mastered setting up and navigating my way around all the many different features of facebook. I went though the different steps on the blogger site, set up my profile and uploaded a display picture. After fiddling around with all of the settings, I finally had an up and running blog. Yay!
Looking around the blogger site, I noted that there was an ‘Add’ button to type in other people’s blog URLs to ‘follow’. I went onto the discussion forums on the moodle site and read people comments about their experiences with setting up a blog and any queries they had. I also found that some people had added their blog URLs! I quickly went back and added their URL into the correct section on Blogger, and amazingly, I could see their blogs and their postings!
My last step of the day was to set up this ‘aggregator’. I followed Scott’s suggestion (because I trusted that he knew what he was talking about) and went with Google Reader. To my surprise, when I went into Google Reader, the blogs that I had added on my blog to follow were already listed and showing me updates! I had unintentionally set up an RSS Aggregator! Using blogger I was automatically linked to Google reader! It was easy to read with my ‘subscriptions’ on the side (bolded when there was new content) along with new information sequentially listed in the centre of the page under headings.
From my experience creating the blog and understanding RSS Aggregators, I discovered what useful tools they really are. I could also see the advantages for both teachers and students in schools. If there are websites that teachers constantly refer to that aid them with educational information, by using a RRS Aggregator, they would be able to much easily monitor updates for that site.
CQUniversity. (2009). An Introduction to teachers' Delivery Technologies. Retrieved on July 19, 2009, from
LeeLeFever. (2007). Video: RSS in Plain English. Retrieved on July 19, 2009, from //
My first step to setting up an RSS aggregator was to find out what it actually was. After looking at the very helpful Youtube clip attached to the course materials, I learnt that it stood for Really Simple Syndication. (CQUniversity, 2009). I also learnt that instead of wasting time to look for new blogs or information on different websites, a single website (a reader) can follow the sites for us and notify us of the updates or new information for us. (LeeLeFever, 2007).
After finding this useful information out, I had to then set up my blog that would ultimately be the platform for my assignment. Setting up the blog was quite simple enough for me, since I had already (all by myself) mastered setting up and navigating my way around all the many different features of facebook. I went though the different steps on the blogger site, set up my profile and uploaded a display picture. After fiddling around with all of the settings, I finally had an up and running blog. Yay!
Looking around the blogger site, I noted that there was an ‘Add’ button to type in other people’s blog URLs to ‘follow’. I went onto the discussion forums on the moodle site and read people comments about their experiences with setting up a blog and any queries they had. I also found that some people had added their blog URLs! I quickly went back and added their URL into the correct section on Blogger, and amazingly, I could see their blogs and their postings!
My last step of the day was to set up this ‘aggregator’. I followed Scott’s suggestion (because I trusted that he knew what he was talking about) and went with Google Reader. To my surprise, when I went into Google Reader, the blogs that I had added on my blog to follow were already listed and showing me updates! I had unintentionally set up an RSS Aggregator! Using blogger I was automatically linked to Google reader! It was easy to read with my ‘subscriptions’ on the side (bolded when there was new content) along with new information sequentially listed in the centre of the page under headings.
From my experience creating the blog and understanding RSS Aggregators, I discovered what useful tools they really are. I could also see the advantages for both teachers and students in schools. If there are websites that teachers constantly refer to that aid them with educational information, by using a RRS Aggregator, they would be able to much easily monitor updates for that site.
CQUniversity. (2009). An Introduction to teachers' Delivery Technologies. Retrieved on July 19, 2009, from
LeeLeFever. (2007). Video: RSS in Plain English. Retrieved on July 19, 2009, from //
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Active Learning – Reaching out and engaging learners through understanding different learning styles, multiple intelligences and incorporating ICTs
I was quite interested in reading through the active learning section on Moodle. Throughout many courses in the BLM degree, it has been drummed into us the importance of profiling students through observations and recordings while also utilising the 8LMQs (Lynch, 2003). Through using this specific profiling tool, we are able to answer a key question about our students (How do my learners best learn?) that helps us to create learning experiences that students will best engage with, enjoy and most importantly, actively learn and investigate. To me, reading through the information about different learning styles, multiple intelligences and the engagement theory all seemed to fit perfectly with the concept of using technology to reach out to all different learners.
Learning styles, put simply are different ways people learn. The most common are Visual (looking/viewing), Auditory (listening/hearing) and Kinaesthetic (doing/hands on). Key multiple intelligences that can be noted also are visual/spatial (thinking in pictures, being able to comprehend information better through visual stimulus), verbal/linguistic (thinking in words and process information better through text or verbal instruction), logical/mathematical (learn best through reason, logic and maths, are curious and inquisitive about the world), bodily/kinaesthetic (express themselves through movement and hands on activities), musical/rhythmic (thinking in sounds, music and patterns, sensitive to their environment), interpersonal (outgoing and relate and understand to others) and intrapersonal (self reflective and prefer working individually). (, 2009).
After completing a few of the quizzes available on the site, these confirmed my predictions about my own learning styles and multiple intelligences. My results told me that I was Logical/Mathematical (definitely fits me because I HAVE to write notes and to do lists to be able to cope and things just have to be broken into chunks and worked out slowly), Kinaesthetic (explains why I cannot stay on task for a large length of time and easily get distracted, I need to break things up), Visual/Spatial (hence why I cannot read large chunks of text and understand it) along with Intrapersonal.
From reflecting on my time at different schools on my different practicums, I was able to recognise that I have encountered students with all of the learning styles and multiple intelligences. I often find myself, when I plan lessons somewhat concerned about lessons that I plan. I worry my lessons may not cater or reach out to all of these different learners’ abilities, styles and preferences in my class. I find that sometimes what I can plan and do in my lessons are to some extent limited because of time constraints, content to be taught and resources available to me. I have found some ways to overcome this however. If I can plan a few lessons on the same or focusing on a similar topic and utilise different learning styles/multiple intelligences in different lessons (through different activities), I can somewhat achieve ‘properly teaching’ to all students in my classes. I personally believe if we fail at teaching all students in our class, then we have not fully met our expectations of a teacher.
I have remembered back to how I felt at primary school, high school and even now at university, where my needs were not being met, my learning styles were not being catered for and in turn how it affected my learning. There was no point in giving me a novel to read at any point of my schooling, because I was never going to sit down long enough to read it, let alone understand it, nor enjoy it. I find even now, having to sit and read large readings or just sitting and listening to a lecturer talk for 2 hours, I do not learn a thing!
Anyway, bringing my blog back to how technology can help ALL students engage with content and learn effectively. By utilising different technologies that are readily available in all schools now, can cater for all students learning styles and multiple intelligences, while also making learning fun for them! Through the use of simple powerpoint for example, students can work in groups or individually, they are learning through a hands on activity, they are able to incorporate pictures, text, music and all different elements that relate best to how they best learn into their learning tasks and assessments. It is out job to source out what technologies are available and make them fit into the lessons we plan.
The important point that I felt has struck me throughout this section (Active Learning), is the fact that even though the learning styles and multiple intelligences we (and students) demonstrate, have remained the same over time, the way in which we have and continue to recognise, embrace and cater for them in education has dramatically changed thanks to technology in schools. Through all different technologies available in schools, we, as teacher should be able to more effectively engage students and meet their learning needs.
REFERENCES (2009). Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence. Retrieved on July 17, 2009, from
Lynch, D. (2007). Learning Management: Transitioning teachers for national and international change. Pearson Education Australia: Frenchs Forrest, NSW
Learning styles, put simply are different ways people learn. The most common are Visual (looking/viewing), Auditory (listening/hearing) and Kinaesthetic (doing/hands on). Key multiple intelligences that can be noted also are visual/spatial (thinking in pictures, being able to comprehend information better through visual stimulus), verbal/linguistic (thinking in words and process information better through text or verbal instruction), logical/mathematical (learn best through reason, logic and maths, are curious and inquisitive about the world), bodily/kinaesthetic (express themselves through movement and hands on activities), musical/rhythmic (thinking in sounds, music and patterns, sensitive to their environment), interpersonal (outgoing and relate and understand to others) and intrapersonal (self reflective and prefer working individually). (, 2009).
After completing a few of the quizzes available on the site, these confirmed my predictions about my own learning styles and multiple intelligences. My results told me that I was Logical/Mathematical (definitely fits me because I HAVE to write notes and to do lists to be able to cope and things just have to be broken into chunks and worked out slowly), Kinaesthetic (explains why I cannot stay on task for a large length of time and easily get distracted, I need to break things up), Visual/Spatial (hence why I cannot read large chunks of text and understand it) along with Intrapersonal.
From reflecting on my time at different schools on my different practicums, I was able to recognise that I have encountered students with all of the learning styles and multiple intelligences. I often find myself, when I plan lessons somewhat concerned about lessons that I plan. I worry my lessons may not cater or reach out to all of these different learners’ abilities, styles and preferences in my class. I find that sometimes what I can plan and do in my lessons are to some extent limited because of time constraints, content to be taught and resources available to me. I have found some ways to overcome this however. If I can plan a few lessons on the same or focusing on a similar topic and utilise different learning styles/multiple intelligences in different lessons (through different activities), I can somewhat achieve ‘properly teaching’ to all students in my classes. I personally believe if we fail at teaching all students in our class, then we have not fully met our expectations of a teacher.
I have remembered back to how I felt at primary school, high school and even now at university, where my needs were not being met, my learning styles were not being catered for and in turn how it affected my learning. There was no point in giving me a novel to read at any point of my schooling, because I was never going to sit down long enough to read it, let alone understand it, nor enjoy it. I find even now, having to sit and read large readings or just sitting and listening to a lecturer talk for 2 hours, I do not learn a thing!
Anyway, bringing my blog back to how technology can help ALL students engage with content and learn effectively. By utilising different technologies that are readily available in all schools now, can cater for all students learning styles and multiple intelligences, while also making learning fun for them! Through the use of simple powerpoint for example, students can work in groups or individually, they are learning through a hands on activity, they are able to incorporate pictures, text, music and all different elements that relate best to how they best learn into their learning tasks and assessments. It is out job to source out what technologies are available and make them fit into the lessons we plan.
The important point that I felt has struck me throughout this section (Active Learning), is the fact that even though the learning styles and multiple intelligences we (and students) demonstrate, have remained the same over time, the way in which we have and continue to recognise, embrace and cater for them in education has dramatically changed thanks to technology in schools. Through all different technologies available in schools, we, as teacher should be able to more effectively engage students and meet their learning needs.
REFERENCES (2009). Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence. Retrieved on July 17, 2009, from
Lynch, D. (2007). Learning Management: Transitioning teachers for national and international change. Pearson Education Australia: Frenchs Forrest, NSW
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